I’d characterize March as the month that has the hardest time making up its mind. The weather changes quickly and even though it looked like this out the back door only a week and a half ago--
--today the temperature was in the lower sixties and crocuses and the early hellebores are blooming. Curious as to how the vegetable garden was faring I took a walk and found some green poking up through the leaf mulch.
Spinach that survived all winter and is now sending out new growth

The French sorrel is unfurling red-tinged leaves.
The patch of alpine strawberries seems to have made it as well. I’ll need to divide and separate these early this season since I essentially unpotted the seedlings and stuck them in the ground as a clump last fall.

Only a few of the garlic plants have emerged so far. This one is ‘Music.’
The biggest surprise survivor is this battered Green Oakleaf lettuce.

Indoors the garden is off to a good start, too. I’ve been sowing seeds in the basement and the first batch is starting to germinate. Which brings me to Tommy.

At the Co-Conspirator’s suggestion we’ve christened this particular San Marzano tomato seedling Tommy. We’ll be following his progress through the season from the seed starting rack hopefully right to the table. Along the way we’ll share some interesting tidbits about gardening, canning, pickling and cooking. Tommy’s just a little sprout right now, but he’ll be all grown up almost before we notice.