I wish I could look forward to autumn more than I do. The season has a lot to offer with the striking colors of the trees and shrubs, the cool weather and more reliable moisture for my garden. But I can't get over the fact that, except for on the weekends, the sun is always right in my eyes for the brief time I get to see it. In the morning by the time it's higher in the sky I'm ensconced in my windowless office. When I escape at the end of the day it's right there shining in my windshield as I leave the parking lot. It just seems harsh. Still, I shouldn't complain--and I don't, really. Before long the sun won't even be up at all by the time I get to work and will be back below the horizon when I come home. Oh, well. It's been a great summer and will be again next year. If only it didn't seem so far away.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Sideways Sun
Shady Character Tuesday, October 14, 2008
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